I came home from a whirlwind tour of work and was feelin a little tired and like I was never gonna make it no matter how hard I tried. That is an old tape that I love to go back to when I feel vulnerable.

I say love because I get something out of it. It makes me feel bad even when things are good.

I went to yoga because even though I have not mastered the ability to enjoy goodness purely, I have figured out that I do it to myself and yoga is a great way to not only take care of myself, but to open my body when I feel like closing it.

Sometimes it's a blind leap of faith because the fear is not real.

Well as I turned towards the back of my mat I caught a glimpse of the girl behind me.

Something looked funny about the coloration between her ankle and her calf.

As I looked closer I realized that it looked as if her foot had been reattached.

I thought immediately WOW! Imagine the courage it took for her to leap again?

Sometimes I need a reminder that on closer inspection people are amazing and so am I.