

They can only abuse you in the dark and count on your silence and humiliation as their protection. I will never participate in my own abuse. YOU CAN"‘T JUST BREAK A CONTRACT WITH ME THERE ARE LAWS.READ THIS NOW



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In the meantime you can watch some of the episodes



SueTV Suevey #1

SueTV SURVEY - please answer in the comments and we will discuss today. What do u think the human behavior behind someone who needs someone very badly - someone who has very incriminating info on the person who needs them and has been nothing but honest & no inclination to hurt  people, pushes said person to hurt them. a. Do they resent the goodness and want to drag you down? b. Do they want to get caught? c. Are they sadistic & want to torture you not to go away but to keep you close and captive?


Do they want you to sink to their level so it's not just them who's behavior is so disgusting? I know the answer but I want to go deepah.



Is it just as simple as Sadomasochism? (i.e sudo sexual) it does take two to tango - the top and the bottom always. 


Like what causes people to gang rape? They say that violence can fun for some. Translate to the cancel culture - it was all started with #metoo Who's the gang?


What images on the screen have formed our society? Even the posters for movies have men in full body shot and only parts of the women.  Who creates these images? 

The #gislainemaxwelltrial is bringing this all more to light for me


They are showing u her- no the powerful men. Creating a show by thowing the women in front of the crimes. The women who allowed herself to be used to cover for the men and hurt other women. 



Jan 12th Sue TV we pay people to abuse us thinking we are stopping the abuse

“Freedom of speech. Cancel culture. Scape goat, Sacrificial Lamb. Two faced. No backbone. Self interested. Casino economy. Terms and services. Creative Destruction Extractive capitalism. “These are the themes that made me create SueTV. Nothing is real, not even a cover of Vogue Magazine showcasing Kamala Harris. Everyone does business with the “bait and switch” model. Our cancel culture keeps going and we keep abdicating our power by doing the gang mentality and going further down the rabbit hole. I have talked abut this theme over and over on SueTV, the pinned tweet on my twitter account is and article about how what happened in Hollywood with the #metoo movement was all to blame a few guys, have the gang take them down while the BIG MEDIA and BIG TECH gained more power and control. Now it’s happening with the American presidency. People are ganging up ripping things down thinking its doing something to change the integrity of the world, when in fact, it’s only hurting the people. More on this at 5pm on SueTV and for the rest of the week here. Stay tuned



Consistency of character

Yesterday on SueTV we talked about” take the best and leave the rest”. Today we talk about “Consistency of Character”. No one can make you do anything. You are in charge of you your own thoughts feelings and actions. What you think, you feel and what you feel, you do. If you continue to act from your truest self, no one can change that. it might take longer for the masses, the gang if you will, to see you but they will see you. I have mentioned many times on the show how the only time we get resentful is when we abandon ourselves. Yesterday I talked about how we are not afraid of others, we are afraid of how we wil act with others. When people tell me that they are afraid of getting into a fight, I tell them to not bring a fight to the table. The world is is in a global crisis and ideally we would think that this is time for us all to be kinder and more compassionate to each other. This is a fantasy, everyone is in survival mode and no one can give what everyone needs so we must find it in ourselves. We must go in and find out who were are and who we want to be and only then, only when our thoughts match our feelings and then both of those match our actions, consistently in times of strife and joy - only then, will we be seen for who we really are. I talked yesterday about how 80% of our thoughts are negative and 20% postitive. We need others to help us out of our isolation, but we also need make sure that the info that we are bringing to others matches us with who we really are. If we are negative we will get negative, if we are positive we will get positive- eventually. This takes courage. The courage of a Sugah Muffin. As individuals, and the whole.

audio here -



January 5th SueTV topic Take the Best and leave the Rest

Today on SueTV we will be talking about the value of our mission statement, and stance on communal agency and interdependence. We live in a world of self...which is why many are in the position they are in. We were fed a lie by the lonely red pill, and by the blue pill that is only about our weakest link. SueTV will create a new way....a third medication- A way to bring us back into balance. Our country was founded on Together we stand, Divided we fall. Power and Corruption have perverted our natural balance and collective energy that is inexhaustible for the good of humanity, and squeezed the life out of it causing us to careen out of control. The only way to stop this is to do what SueTV stands for, ‘personal progress for the good of all’. Take the best of humanity and leave the rest. Then multiply it like DNA... “DNA's unique structure enables the molecule to copy itself during cell division. When a cell prepares to divide, the DNA helix splits down the middle and becomes two single, strands. These single strands serve as templates for building two new, double-stranded DNA molecules - each a replica of the original DNA molecule.” I took a poll and asked how this statement “take the best and leave the rest made people feel POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE and the higher vote was for NEGATIVE. We will explore this on micro and the macro levels today on SueTV. You can also find the video and the audio version of this topic on all on my social medias leading up to the live show today at five.

Here is the audio
