I'm Back - u feed me I feed u, u feed me I feed u and back around again.

I'm gonna try to link the Blog and the Vlogs. I like to write and I like to talk and I LOVE WHEN U LOVE IT!!! Here's a lil comment that I just found. xoxo

"Sue, I was introduced to you when I heard you on Marc Maron’s WTF. You were so incredibly engaging and your laugh was so free and infectious and your honesty and insight given your internal struggles since childhood was so confirming of the human spirit. Since then I’ve been watching a few of your performances and vlogs and reading your blogs and you just continue to impress with your human stories and your incredible faith in the uniquely human qualities of love, kindness and humor. And dammit this is all in ADDITION to you being so damn funny. It sounds like you’re on a trajectory to greater stardom (whether you like it or not). I look forward to charting your progress…but it seems to me you have already found success in your life!!"

I'm too turned on, I can't turn back.

Follow me on Instagram and Twitter and FB. I want to link all of this together with the vlogs as well on Social cam.  MY MISSION IS TO EMBRACE MY HUMANITY AND SOMEHOW MAKE THAT INTO ENTERTAINMENT. I have a show called I Wasn't Trying To Be Funny, a book and all the above mentioned outlets. I am going to get back to writing this blog as well. I feel like reading my thoughts can be just as effective as me speaking them or showing pictures. If I can figure out a way to stream them all together I will be beyond excited. I just had the thought to make the blog and the vlog have the same theme. Let's try that. For today though, I posted a pic of Gandhi this morning on Instagram with the quote "Be the change you want to see in the world." I can honestly say that this is what I aim for every day. I get frustrated, I get scared, I don't trust myself, or the universe some days, but I keep going. I keep growing, I keep going right at my fears. I work every day to lift my wound up to the air so that it can heal. I want to act from my heart and not my wound. It is devastatingly beautiful. Everything that looked like it would make me happy didn't, so I decided to turn in. And all i can say is ................ I'm too turned on, I can't turn back.


For Immediate ReleaseContact: Jimmy@suecostello.com

"As a performer, Sue Costello is energetic and fearless" Boston Herald

“Costello proves quite a character" Boston Metro

"Costello rivets the audience” The Patriot Ledger

SUE COSTELLO from the Oscar Nominated Film The Fighter Brings Her Stand Up back to her neighborhood -- Dorchester, For One Night Only!

Florian Hall 55 Hallet St., Dorchester 02124

March 1st - 8:30pm

Boston, Feb 5th, 2014 - Sue Costello, acclaimed comic, actor and writer is set to bring her stand up to Florian Hall, for one night only, Saturday, March 1st, at 8:30pm. Doors open at 7pm.


At five feet three inches, Sue Costello may look harmless, but once she opens her mouth, it is obvious that this blonde means business - funny business. Sue has the ability to bring a room full of patrons to tears with her comedic disposition and vivacious wit. That mixed with her vulnerability and honesty has made her one of the only women in the business does what she does. From her Boston accent to her tell it like it is demeanor, you can’t help but feel like your laughing with your best friend. Sue Costello co-created, produced, and starred in the self-titled Boston-based sitcom Costello for the Fox Network. She has also appeared on NYPD BLUE, Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn, and Last Comic Standing. Ms. Costello has appeared in feature films Southie with Donnie Wahlberg; Once in the Life with Laurence Fishburne; and The Fighter starring Christian Bale, Amy Adams, and Mark Wahlberg. She just filmed the movie The Witching Hour with William Fosythe and Michael Madsen and the movie “Best Man In The Dark”. She also shot her first music video with Jim Breuer. Visit http://suecostello.com/ for Episode #172 of “WTF with Marc Maron.” You can also listen to Sue’s weekly Podcast “The Kadoozie Kast.” Tickets are $25 in advance and $30 CASH ONLY at the door and can be purchased in advance here: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/575017

I Wasn't Trying To Be Funny- Brooklyn, Sat Feb 1st

My show goes up again here's the link for tix and some quotes from the press!! http://brownpapertickets.com/event/560626

"Most people don't have the charisma, the stamina or the anecdotes to sustain an uninterrupted 11/2 hr show alone. Costello does it sans props, costumes and music" Boston Metro

"Sue Costello's one woman show inspires and amuses" Boston Metro

"As a performer, Sue Costello is energetic and fearless" Boston Herald

"This is the life story everyone from her psychologist to the producers of her Fox sitcom tried to get her to curtail.” Boston Herald

“It's the flipside of Costello's stand up act -- too brutal and frank to be disposable as a night of jokes." Boston Herald

"What they may be surprised about is how Costello turns a life that was a mess into a creative performance." Patriot Ledger

"Costello rivets the audience with a comics gift for delivery and wit and an actress' skill with emotion." Patriot Ledger

"In the part comedic performance, part-raw emotional saga Costello proves quite a character." Boston Metro

Video created with the Socialcam app: https://socialcam.com

My Day with Boys-

So the other day I was going to look at theater for I Wasn't Trying To Be Funny and walked passed a coffee shop that my friend owns. I was torn — “should go in and say hi? Do I have time?" As I approached the window, I saw another guy I knew who waved and thought I'm definitely going in. I walked in, gave him a hug and he introduced me to his friend as "Sue Costello, the girl with the filthy mouth." I said, "Oh no I don't have a filthy mouth, why do guys say that about me? Is it because you want me to have a filthy mouth?" To which he responded "I'm sorry, Sue is amazingly talented and has an awesome one woman show." His friend asked "Are you naked in it?" My friend’s face turned beet red and he said, "C'mon, even I didn't go there." I exited gracefully.

As I was on the train on my way to look at the theater, which by the way is an emotional exercise in and of itself. Negotiating with these theaters is painful. (More on that later.) I was amazed how many emotions ran through me. I was sad that that was the reality that I faced everyday. Sad that I went into a situation open and loving and was objectified even after my talent was expressed. Then the worst happened. I started to blame myself. I said, "Sue, you shouldn't have stopped. If you didn't stop that wouldn't have happened." Thank God I caught myself. It was not my fault, I did nothing wrong. The guys exhibited bad behavior and my friend’s red face was proof of who should be embarrassed. Blaming myself was a sick way of giving myself some sense of power. A power that actually hurt me more that what had actually happened. It would have hardened me and taken me away from the femininity I strive to maintain.

I decided to stick with the sad feelings and be in acceptance that this is what happens on a daily basis to me as a woman living openly on this earth.

I also had to cover it up, so that I was not an open wound when I walked into the theater space. Because if I was, I may have allowed myself to be taken advantage of financially. I love being a woman, but I don't always love the work it takes to maintain the power that comes with being a woman.