Jump, Jump, Jump to it!

I came home from a whirlwind tour of work and was feelin a little tired and like I was never gonna make it no matter how hard I tried. That is an old tape that I love to go back to when I feel vulnerable.

I say love because I get something out of it. It makes me feel bad even when things are good.

I went to yoga because even though I have not mastered the ability to enjoy goodness purely, I have figured out that I do it to myself and yoga is a great way to not only take care of myself, but to open my body when I feel like closing it.

Sometimes it's a blind leap of faith because the fear is not real.

Well as I turned towards the back of my mat I caught a glimpse of the girl behind me.

Something looked funny about the coloration between her ankle and her calf.

As I looked closer I realized that it looked as if her foot had been reattached.

I thought immediately WOW! Imagine the courage it took for her to leap again?

Sometimes I need a reminder that on closer inspection people are amazing and so am I.

Cahhhpe diem

On my way to DC to sit in on the Senate and this is my first time blogging from my phone. I've been busy and just realized that I can do this from my phone. I just wanted to take a second and write about how much a human being can grow. When I first saw Basquiat at the museum in LA and I almost fell on the floor. The description on the wall said that his work was about the tragedy of the unrealized human potential. Then I learned that he died of a drug overdose. Art imitating life. That day I knew I wanted to work towards my potential, slowly though, because I knew that going fast was a form of self hatred. While in DC, I'm not only going to learn about how our government runs, but I'm going to go to every museum that I can. Warren Buffet once said "There is no status quo, you're either growing or your dying."

This little light of mine

Some people really get nervous when they see joy. It's a sad fact, but an even sadder fact is that sometimes they try to squelch that joy to feel better about themselves. It takes all the courage in the world to not let that happen.

Let the light shine brighter on them so they can see their own darkness.

It's the only way someone can grow.

Think about it: if you take on their dark, then there's more darkness but if u hold onto your light, well you know.

FACT: On average, full-time working women earn just 77 cents for every dollar a man earns. #EqualPay

There once was a comedy show — the booker IMed me sexual advances. I copied them and sent them to his boss. They BOTH called me on speaker phone and "apologized." I told them if I lost work because I stuck up for myself I was going to sue them. Well, they called me to do a show when I was on the set of The Fighter because they thought I couldn't do it since I was in Boston. Then they could say, "Well, we offered work she couldn't do it ." Well, I got on a plane the next day and flew to LA. As I was walking into tape the show another girl said, "Sue do you get weird sexual stuff from so and so?" I asked, “Why?” and she said, "Well I was booked to host a bunch of these shows and when I told him I wouldn't have sex with him he told me I was only doin one, and now I can't pay my rent."

I walked in, was met with tremendous hostility, overcame it, and performed. Then they cut all but one joke out of my set when it aired.

Now, firstly, look at what girls deal with before they hit the stage, and secondly, they cut me. Look at all that energy for one joke. Anyone have statistics on that?

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Kids Kids Kids !!

I joined a program called "BookPals" funded by the SAG foundation. Simply put, we volunteer to go into the public schools and read to the classes. I did it this morning with a group of second graders and all I can say is that I haven't felt this good in while.

They were so cute and so smart and so filled with love.

I read them a book titled Pigcasso and Moosetise.

It was a story of the two artists and how even though they had differences they remained great friends and respected each other’s work.

They told me that they had been to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and that they had seen a Jackson Pollack after I showed them a picture in the book by Pigcasso that reminded them of it.

They picked up on the cubism without my having to tell them. They told me that they next time that they went to the museum they were going to look for a Picasso.

When we were finished talking about the book I told the kids that I was comic.

They proceeded to whisper jokes into my ear and I would tell them to the class.

This one little girl with the most vulnerable eyes came up, whispered in my ear, and asked, "Why do are hearts love?"

She didn't have a punchline and I'm not sure if she wanted one.

Why do are hearts love? is a very funny question all by itself.

Maybe she felt the love from my laughter.

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This past weekend I rode my bike to the park. As I was sitting on a rock, I saw a young girl cleaning. She was pushing a broom and sweating. I thought "poor girl" and then I thought, "Sue stop, stop judging. You don't know that girl’s story, just thank her."

So I did just that, and she looked at me and said "No thank you. This job saved my life. I've lost 40 pounds!”

I find that when I mind my own business, I don't feel superior to anyone. Then, I actually have a real exchange with a human being.

I guess that's what humble really means.



Energy IS real.

Even if you are completely miserable, even if u think that everything in life that could go wrong has, just try and take a second and think about how your body feels in any given situation. How does your body feel when someone is raging at you? Or hurling curse words?

How does your body feel when someone is being kind, and by being kind, that sometimes means just being there, just listening to you. Not making it be about them, but just witnessing you.

Your body will feel truly energized.

It's fear and isolation that cause a lack of energy.

That doesn't mean go be around people; that means people need to not make everything about them, especially when they are around others.

Most people fear that by giving it will deplete them, but the truth is, it will energize them.

Thus begins the uncomfortable journey of untangling how what feels good is bad and what feels bad is good.

