Rich man, poor man- it'll never be enough.

So the election is over and more of the country voted for Obama than not. "Obama is the only President in over 65 yrs (since FDR) to win 2 terms with over 50% of the popular vote both times."

I've been really tryin to not get emotional during all this and pay attention to what people are saying.

The thing that sticks out the most is the money.

If the middle class is being eliminated, who's making this happen?

I saw so many posts from working class people saying, "Vote for Romney! Did anyone poor ever give you a job?"

And the so called 99%ers are defending against being demonized.

The other argument is that Obama is just hanging things out to people so they will vote for him.

With just this simple little analysis, I am seeing a trend. Even the workers who post about Rich people giving them jobs are looking for some sort of hand out.

The 99%ers argue that they work harder — which they do in a way because they have set out to make it on their own but I can attest to the fact that it is much more complicated than that. Ask any cleaning lady how hard they work.

Shame of being poor plays a huge part in all of this, as does some idea among the wealthy that there is not enough.

People use money as a way to feel safe.

I know money makes things easier but I watched a documentary about these people in a village in a third world country the other night and they were very happy because they relied on each other for support.

The reality is, no one can really take care of another person. Even if you give them money or a job, it's up to them to handle it responsibly.

The ol’ "give a man a fish he eats for a day, but teach a man to fish he eats for a lifetime" seems to have drowned somewhere along the way.

How is anyone going to help another when they are so scared that there will never be enough. The silliness of that thinking sets up the person thinking it to never have enough.

Maybe the so called "hand outs" should be used to empower people. Even the rich people giving jobs to the less rich.

But that would mean that the haves would have to feel less fear; it would mean that the "haves" would really want to empower the "have nots."

Also the "have nots" would have to really do something.

I feel like this is similar to the Prescription Medication problem we have in this county.

We are supposed to feel and we are supposed to feel bad. You cannot know the good without feeling the bad.

And lastly, why in this country of everything, are people more depressed than any other country in the world?

I have an idea, because nothing will ever be enough. The only thing that is going to help is humanity.

If you pride yourself in being selfish I have a hint: the only way you will satiate the feeling you are chasing by being selfish is to help another person, and by help I mean empower them.

Why aren’t we in an outrage about photo shopping??

Look at these pictures and tell me that these women do not look more beautiful in the before pictures. I watched "Housewives of Miami" last night and plastic surgery is becoming the norm. With all the plastic surgery, no one is going to look related in a few years. Women are trying to live in a world where what they are trying to attain is not even attainable.

Insides make your outsides shine — not the other way around. And I got a another hint: most guys don't care about plastic, they care about kindness.

Look up the reasons why most guys cheat: it's because they are getting something emotional, not sexual, outside the relationship.

And, and, and — they are photoshopping the young girls. They are targeting young people before they even have a second to blossom on the inside. I heard some twenty somethings talking about what it's like getting older the other day. Really? It will never end unless we start caring about more things on the inside.

I'm not saying you should not take care of yourself and look nice. I'm saying, stop letting these computers dictate an impossible standard for you.

If you're worried about making the outsides do something unnatural, your insides will never feel better.

Have you ever walked up to a cosmetics counter to buy moisturizer that you truly need and they give you a dig as soon as you walk up? "Oh your type of skin is oily, or mature skin, or if you don't watch it you might get such and such a skin." They set you up with fear right away so you will buy more. They give you the message that you are not OK.

These women look more than OK to me before.


For Immediate Release


“Sue Costello’s charismatic performance is mesmerizing as you march with her through her teenage years on the Dorchester streets through her life in New York and Hollywood.Colin Quinn

“A wonderful journey filled with lots of laughter and love.” -Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara

Sue’s show was amazing, hilarious, dark and brutally honest. Run — don’t walk — to the theatre!” Molly Shannon

The New York Comedy Festival presents SUE COSTELLO from the Oscar-Winning Film The Fighter

Minus 32 Million Words at The Creek and The Cave

Thursday, November,8th at 7:00 p.m.

NY, NY — November 8th, 2012

The New York Comedy Festival is proud to present acclaimed comic and actor Sue Costello, and her one-woman show Minus 32 Million Words at The Creek and The Cave (10-93 Jackson Ave Long Island City NY.)

This ”alternately hilarious and heartbreaking” show tracks Costello’s life growing up in Dorchester, Massachusetts and how she developed a desperate need for fame and money, only to realize that without trust in herself, nothing could make her happy.

Rave reviews have poured in for Minus 32 Million Words. “Not many people have the charisma, stamina, or the anecdotes to sustain a 1 1/2hr show alone, but Sue Costello does it sans props, costumes or music in the play that’s worth 32 Million Words,” says The Boston Metro. 

The Boston Herald called the show “powerful, thanks to Costello’s frank charisma and her ability to mingle humor with tragedy,” and the Patriot Ledger mused that “Costello rivets the audience with a comic’s gift for delivery and wit and an actress’ skill with emotion.”

Kristen Johnston called the show “brilliant and agonizingly funny,” and Kevin Nealon commented, “Great characters, great writing and hilarious delivery. She is the next Whoopi, only not black.” Patricia Clarkson agreed: "Sue Costello is an incredible talent. I LOVED this show!"

As to the origin of the show’s title, Costello explains: “The show is called Minus 32 Million Words because I read an article in the New York Times that said that poor kids hear 32 million less words than rich kids and thought, I want to bust through those limitations and tell my story, even if they say I don’t have the words. When my TV show Costello got canceled, I thought, don't stop Sue, don't ever quit, and now I'm so excited to be performing the show as part of the New York Comedy Festival. The show is about going for your dreams and second chances, all while remembering where you came from. It’s life imitating art.”

About Sue Costello

Sue Costello co-created, produced, and starred in the self-titled Boston-based sitcom Costello for the Fox Network. She has also appeared on NYPD BLUE, Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn, and Last Comic Standing. Ms. Costello has appeared in feature films including Southie with Donnie Wahlberg and Once in the Life with Laurence Fishburne. Last year Sue appeared in The Fighter, starring Christian Bale, Amy Adams, and Mark Wahlberg. Sue just filmed the movie The Witching Hour with William Fosythe and Michael Madsen.

Tickets are $20 can be purchased at

How do we know what's our crazy?

So I think everyone battles with this idea of knowing when to say something and when not to. When acting too quickly could hurt you, but acting too slowly could hurt you too.

How do you know if you're acting from the crazy part of you or not when everything is all mixed up inside?

I'm finding that if I say what I mean, mean what I say, and don't say it mean, I usually can't go wrong.

I need to say it though — no one can read my mind.

I need to take the risk and possibly be wrong, but if I've said something wrong in a respectful way, there is always somewhere to grow from.

I don't hurt another human being. In fact, I might actually see them and maybe even learn something.

The reward is that I walk around lighter and more supported as opposed to heavy, lonely and defeated.

Defeated by my own self and my inability to communicate.

Imagine that?

They really were onto something when they said relationships are all about communication.

Isolation breeds crazy.

Today, try not to project a fantasy on someone. Try to listen and have and honest exchange.

I promise you'll feel a little lighter ,a little less alone and a little less crazy.

This is my mess

Things are messy. People are messy. The only mess you have control over cleaning is your own. You can help another if they are already on their journey but because humans are unpredictable, even if they ask for help, sometimes they need more time.

You could have spent time with them and they abandon ship.

Don't look at it like a waste of time. Look at it as more love than they could've handled before.

True love is letting others be and taking good care of yourself as best you can.

Life and humans are unpredictable, but you can predict that if the next right move is the kindest one for everyone involved, you will not be contributing to the mess.

What a better gift you can give someone than to not suck the life outta them with your mess? And to not add to it either.

Today is the day

I was thinking yesterday how no one is better than anyone else. We do not choose who we are born to. We do not choose our bodies. We just come out and here we are. We take what we were given and do the best we can. Hopefully we find some comfort and realize that it's our humanity and the surrender that we need to accept that we have no power over how we got here but we do have power over what we do while we here — that frees us.

If you're judging it, you're not feeling it.

I really think the world is so detached from its center that everyone is just spinning a cocoon from their own fear. We are isolated and isolation causes death.

So many people say, "I didn't want to be the person who gets jealous" or "I didn't want to be the person who was disappointed."

Guess what? YOU CANNOT AVOID FEELINGS. You just switch one bunch for another. Most of the time it's anxiety in place of fear, sadness, anger, even joy — real joy.

The more you deny your true self, the more detached you become from you're center, which is love.

I was on Nantucket — one of the wealthiest places in the world. EVERYONE was afraid.

Then I went to the Hamptons, another wealthy place, and they all wished they lived on Nantucket.

The kinetic anxiety in the world is suffocating us.

Humanity is freedom. If we accept our humanity and stop chasing outside things, we will be free because chasing outside things is a form of self hatred.

We hate ourselves, we hate our bodies, which makes us hate our earth. We are killing our home because we have detached and tricked ourselves into believing hatred is our core, but it's not — only love is.

If you strip away all of it, all that will stick is the truth, which is love.

A kid whispered in my ear, "Why do we have love in our hearts?" and my niece asked me where God came from.

My response to both was, "Because Love is and always will be here."

If we admit all the parts of ourselves, if we surrender to our imperfection, we will feel relief. It is very loving to embrace imperfection because it softens you.

It is much harder to chase, or to be chased by, our judgements — that keeps us running. We're afraid that if we go in we will find out that we are disgusting. Or maybe we are afraid that if we go in, we will find out that we are love.

It is sometimes the behavior that is disgusting, but never, ever the person.

Slow down, go in, accept the humanity, and in doing that, you find compassion and patience for yourself.

Which, in turn, makes you have compassion for others.

That is the key to breaking the isolation and the pathway out of the cocoon.

It will be lonely at first because you will feel like you are going against the gravitation of the earth. You will feel like if you go in, you will never come out.

But the truth is, you will turn into a beautiful butterfly that is attracted to the light; a butterfly that everyone wants to be around.

No money needed.